

Ultrasonic Homogenizing So nicator Processor

Elevate your laboratory work with the Ultrasonic Homogenizing So nicator Processor. Discover its incredible features and applications for precision mixing, blending, emulsifying, and more. Explore the power of innovation! Buy Ultrasonic Homogenizing So nicator Processor with Cryptocurrency.


  • Large LCD digital display for user-friendly operation.
  • Fully microprocessor controlled and programmable for customization.
  • Auto-tuning for convenience and processing efficiency.
  • Temperature indicator and controller for precision.
  • Automatic amplitude compensation for optimal processing.
  • Power-emitted display for accuracy and repeatability (0-80 watts).
  • Integrated Sound Abating Chamber for quieter operation.
  • Worldwide free Shipping
  • Condition: Brand New


  • Weight: 7 kg
  • Power Supply: 80 V-240 V
  • Packing size: 32 * 46 * 42 cm
  • Frequency Range: 20 KHz (frequency is auto-tracking)
  • Output power: 1200 W
  • Total working timer: 1 s – 99 hours with pause function
  • Ultrasonic output: impulse


The Ultimate Guide to Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor Everything You Need to Know

Buy Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor
Buy Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor

Have you ever felt the uncontainable excitement of living in this pinnacle era of scientific advancements? Folks, today we’re discussing a gadget that might transform your laboratory experience – the Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor. I bet you’re wondering, “What in the world is that?” Well, let me demystify it for you.

“An Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor or more precisely, the CE Ultrasonic Homogenizer Sonicator Processor Cell Disruptor Mixer 1200W, is one heck of a gizmo designed to mix things up in the lab. Not only does it sound like something straight out of a sci-fi blockbuster, but it also does the kind of impressive stuff that would make Tony Stark nod in approval.”

Now, if you’re thinking this powerful device will come with a complicated, mind-boggling interface – you’re in for a pleasant surprise. This gem has been designed to be as user-friendly as possible. With a large, LCD digital display, it’s fully microprocessor controlled and completely programmable. So it’s not just a device, it’s an assistant that gets your language!

One of its standout features is the auto-tuning. Imagine a world where your lab device tunes itself for optimal processing efficiency. No more fiddling around trying to get the right settings. With this feature, it’s a breeze.

And let’s not forget its temperature indicator and controller. No need to second guess or approximate the temperature – you have the real-time data at your fingertips! Talk about empowerment through precision.

On the outside, the design is novel. And yet, its capabilities are complete and reliable. Essentially, it’s the perfect blend of form and functionality. Here’s the visual for you:

  • Novel design – breaking away from conventional designs, it’s sure to grab your attention.
  • Complete-function – it offers a plethora of features and functionalities.
  • Reliable ability – it’s consistent, reliable, and dependable in all operations.

So, buckle up folks! We’re about to dive into a captivating journey exploring the fascinating specifics of this marvel, the Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor.

The Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor, which boasts of a distinctive novel design, virtuosic functionality, and robust ability, is no less than a revolution in cell disruption and mixture processing. With this potent tool, you’ve got the key to unlock a world of efficient and reliable lab procedures. But, anticipation is getting the better of me. Come on board as we break down the nitty-gritty of what makes this magnificent machine tick.

Characterized by an Elegant Interface

First things first, one cannot help but notice the sleek design of the Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor. Imagine finding yourself face-to-face with a large LCD digital display, alluringly crafted and fully microprocessor controlled. Trust me, it’s as impressive as it sounds and, in all honesty, almost too good to handle. Even the most tech-averse folks amongst us would find it a breeze to operate.

Convenient and Efficiency-Driven

Don’t you just love it when your tools intuitively cater to your needs? The Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor does just that! It is equipped with an auto-tuning feature that not only makes it convenient to use but also optimizes its processing efficacy. So, it’s just not about doing things fast, but doing them right—effective and efficient!

Temperature Control And Indication

What’s brains without some brawn? In addition to its amazing features, this Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor comes with a temperature indicator and controller. Yes, you heard right! This essentially means that you have full control over your cell disruption and mixing process, thereby reducing the risks of any thermal degradation. Now, if that’s not a breakthrough, I don’t know what is!

All in all, wrapping up our deep dive into this cutting-edge Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor has left us a little awestruck. And I bet it’s the same for you too! Say hello to the future, because with this marvel in your lab, you are not just processing—you’re revolutionizing.

Before we dive in let’s have a h tag encapsulating the key features of our ingenious Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor:

Key Features of Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor:

  • Novel design, complete-function, reliable ability.
  • Large LCD digital display.
  • Fully microprocessor-controlled and completely programmable.

The Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor rightly earns its place as the pièce de résistance of the scientific community. With its novel design and complete functions, this tool is nothing short of a reliable companion to the modern researcher.

Imagine a world where scientific endeavors are not hindered by the limitations of traditional machinery, but empowered by the innovation of the Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor!

The processor’s aesthetic and functional appeal lie in its novel design. But let’s not get too lost in its beauty—it’s not a mere scientific ornament. Its reliable ability, beyond doubt, speaks volumes about its important role in research operations.

What I find particularly impressive about the Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor is its large LCD digital display. It’s like a crystal ball that reveals the innermost workings of the processor, keeping you well informed about every operation—talk about transparency!

And guess what? It doesn’t end there. The processor is fully microprocessor-controlled and completely programmable. In other words, the Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor is like a well-trained pet, bending to your programming will and performing tasks with a precision that only complex machinery can provide.  

Clearly, this Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor comes as a godsend to the scientific community. But hey, don’t just take my word for it—give it a whirl and see for yourself!

With a novel design, complete-function, and reliable ability, it’s about time to discuss some of the other distinguishing features that make this Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor truly incredible.

Auto-tuning for Convenience and Optimal Processing Efficiency

Have you ever had to fiddle around with dials and controls to get a piece of equipment to operate at its maximum efficiency? Well, you can bid adieu to that nuisance. The auto-tuning feature of this Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor takes that burden off your shoulders. It automatically adjusts the parameters, ensuring optimal processing efficiency every time.

“Talk about smart tech – it practically does all the hard work for you, making your job a breeze!”

Temperature Indicator and Controller

If you’ve played a round with various scientific equipment like me, then you probably understand the significance of temperature management. Here, the Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor outperforms others yet again with its integrated temperature indicator and controller. It accurately displays the operational temperature to help you maintain optimum conditions during cell disruption and mixing tasks.

And that’s not all- its in-built temperature controller feature allows you to adjust the temperature to the ideal range for your samples. It gives you all the control you need for thermal-sensitive materials. In other words, the scope for precision and protection in your experiment has never been this high!

Looks like we have found a real winner in the Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor—a scientist’s delight, allowing for maximum accuracy and minimum effort. So, are you ready to crank up your research productivity, and possibly invent the next big thing?

Meet the CE Ultrasonic Homogenizer Sonicator Processor Cell Disruptor Mixer 1200W. With distinct features designed to streamline your research work, you won’t have to worry about compromising accuracy for speed anymore.

Unfailing Time Management and Control

Imagine a homogenizer which can run for a total of 99 hours without batting an eyelid, pretty impressive right? The 1s – 99h countdown time display controller ensures always you’re in the know about your experiment’s timeline. Talk about having everything under control! Plus, it doesn’t hurt that you get to feel like a countdown-crazy scientist from the movies.

Livelier than a Chameleon

If you thought a chameleon’s ability to adjust and fit in anywhere was impressive, wait till you experience the Ultrasonic Homogenizer’s automatic amplitude compensation. This feature ensures the homogenizer continually adapts to changing sonic conditions. In layman’s terms, it’s like having a built-in guile of a fox for unwavering precision.

 Unerring Power Display

As specialists, we love accuracy. And guess what, our beloved Ultrasonic Homogenizer caters to this perfectly. It features a Power-emitted display, providing variable power output from 0 to 80 watts. This allows for precise control of the sonicator’s power, resulting in micro-precision results.

Meeting the Mellow Mixer

Ever been disturbed by the loud, unpleasant noise your mixer produces? It’s time to bid such petty worries goodbye. The Ultrasonic Homogenizer features an integrated sound abatement chamber which significantly reduces the cavitation sound emitted during processing. It’s like having an obedient pet that never barks – blissful silence!

In a nutshell, if you’re serious about your research work, having the CE Ultrasonic Homogenizer Sonicator Processor in your lab might just be the missing piece to your puzzle. After all, research is like piecing a jigsaw together, and every tool counts.

The Ultrasonic Homogenizer Sonicator Processor is a powerhouse of features, boasting a range of that functionalities makes it a must-have item in any lab. Let’s unpack it, shall we?

Features Description
Novel Design, Complete-function, Reliable Ability The Sonicator’s excellent design offers multifunctional capabilities and reliable results.
Large LCD Digital Display Assurance of a clear visual with its large digital display.
Fully Microprocessor Controlled and Programmable Control over each facet of the sonication process, thanks to its fully microprocessor controlled system.
Auto-tuning for Convenience and Efficiency For your convenience, our device auto-tunes to deliver optimal processing efficiency.
Temperature Indicator and Controller Never fear overheating or cooling issues ever. The temperature controller is here to save the day.
99 H Total Working Time Controller Long durations of work? We have got you covered with our 99H total working time controller.
Automatic Amplitude Compensation This device includes built-in automatic amplitude compensation, ensuring consistent performance.
Power-emitted display for Accuracy and Repeatability The power-emitted feature assures accuracy and replicability, because science, right?
Integrated Sound Abating Chamber Our integrated sound abating chamber reduces the cacophonous sound emitted during processing. Your ears will thank you.

Every detail of the Ultrasonic Homogenizer Sonicator Processor has been meticulously designed to ensure maximal efficiency and ease of use. This isn’t just a tool; it’s a game-changer.

Let’s dive in and explore just how this processor reshapes the ever-evolving landscape of scientific innovation.

Mixing, Blending, Emulsifying, and Homogenizing Solutions

With its ultramodern design and cutting-edge technology, the Ultrasonic Homogenizer Sonicator Processor possess an outstanding aptitude for mixing and blending. Whether it be chemical solutions in labs or homemade juices, the processor seals the deal with perfect homogeneity every time. The emulsification ability isn’t something to scoff at either. With a snappy flick of a switch, oil and water are no longer immiscible. Now, isn’t that something?

Feature Brief Explanation
Mixing and Blending Combines different solutions into a single, homogenous mixture.
Emulsifying Perfectly combines substances that are normally immiscible, such as oil and water.
Homogenizing Creates a uniform consistency throughout the entire solution.

Reducing Particle Size of Suspensions

Particle suspensions can be quite a disruptive bunch, with their tendency to separate and clump over time. The Ultrasonic Homogenizer Sonicator Processor to the rescue! This extraordinary device takes a firm stand against lumps and grains, steadfastly reducing the particle size thereby optimizing the suspension consistency.

Dispersing Suspensions

Gone are the days when manually shaking a flask until your arm fell numb was the only way to disperse suspensions. The Ultrasonic Homogenizer Sonicator Processor makes suspension dispersion as simple as pressing a button. It will disperse those pesky particles faster than you can say “Sonicator”, ensuring your suspension is beautifully uniform.

Disrupting Cells

For all the biologists out there, rejoice! Cell disruption can be an intricate and laborious process, but this processor makes it seem effortless. Its sound waves cause the cell membranes to rupture, effectively disrupting the cells. And you know what they say: “A disrupted cell a day keeps the lab routine at bay!”

Humor aside, cell disruption is paramount for several biological studies and medical research. This processor assures not only the effectiveness of the method but also its efficiency.

Catalyzing Chemical Reactions

Last but not least, the Ultrasonic Homogenizer Sonicator Processor truly shines when it comes to catalysis. By reducing the energy barrier for the reaction, it kicks up the speed without compromising the accuracy or safety. Now, that’s what we call a win-win.

In summary, the Ultrasonic Homogenizer Sonicator Processor is an astonishing companion for your scientific endeavors. This processor paves the way for a smoother lab routine by providing practical solutions, proving its indispensability.

Buy Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor from Robotsmarketplace1

Get Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor
Get Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor

Having explored the ingenious specifications of the Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor, your interest must have piqued with the realization of its impressive capabilities. But where can you avail this powerful, versatile instrument with the assurance of quality and reliability? Look no further; Robotsmarketplace1 is your destination. Here’s why:

  • Quality Assurance: At Robotsmarketplace1, we not only ensure the supply of CE accredited Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor cell disruptors but also an authentic product that is designed for excellent performance and sustainability. This device wouldn’t just meet your expectations, it’ll exceed them.
  • Competitive Pricing: Our pricing model for the Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor ensures you get the most value for your investment. Indulge in affordable pricing coupled with uncompromised quality and performance.
  • Exceptional Customer Service: When purchasing from Robotsmarketplace1, you’re not only getting an exceptional product but also an unmatched customer service. Our team of experts is always ready and willing to assist you with any queries, giving you a smooth purchasing experience.
  • Fast and Reliable Delivery: Robotsmarketplace1 promises prompt and secure delivery to your doorstep. The company follows a disciplined delivery schedule, ensuring you don’t have to wait an ounce longer than necessary to start employing the Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor’s capabilities in your operations.

When it comes to reliable, quality, and efficient laboratory applications, the Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor really is a force to be reckoned with. Why not give it a whirl and see how it revolutionizes your work and research practices? Remember, at Robotsmarketplace1, we’re all about equipping you with the tools to elevate your input to output conversion, one sonic wave at a time. So, why wait? Buy your Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor from Robotsmarketplace1 today!

How the Large LCD Digital Display Enhances User Experience

Large LCD Digital Display Enhances User Experience

The Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor is thoughtfully engineered with a large LCD digital display, a feature that significantly elevates the user experience. This isn’t a case of style over substance; the display has real functionality that ups the ante in the lab. Let’s delve into why.

Right off the bat, the large display offers easy readability, allowing users to quickly observe and interpret data without straining their eyes. The sharpness and clarity of the display ensure that users do not misread the information shown, immensely reducing the possibilities of erroneous operations.

This fully microprocessor-controlled Sonicator Processor doesn’t just stop at a crystal-clear display. It merges usability with intelligence by being completely programmable. Users can effortlessly set their desired parameters directly through the display, making the device adaptable to various experimental conditions.

No one appreciates complex operations when under time pressure in a laboratory scenario. The intuitive and user-friendly interface of the large LCD display simplifies operations, letting scientists and researchers focus on what truly matters – their work.

Moreover, this brilliant piece of hardware is backed with equally brilliant software. The display brings real-time monitoring to the table, showcasing all vital readings, parameters, and system statuses, keeping the users always informed and in control.

From the stunning visibility to the seamless programming and real-time supervision, the large LCD digital display proves itself to be more than just a pretty face. Remember, if you’re not overjoyed about an LCD display by now, it might just be that you haven’t met the right one.

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Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor FAQ
Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor FAQ

If you still have questions swirling in your mind about the Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor, you’re in luck! We’ve gathered some of the most common queries that we’ve come across to help clear any doubts you may have. Here are the FAQs:

Q1.What is an Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor?

A: The Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor is a cutting-edge technology that uses ultrasonic waves to mix, blend, emulsify, and homogenize solutions. It also has applications in reducing particle size of suspensions, dispersing suspensions, disrupting cells, and catalyzing chemical reactions.

Q2.How does the temperature control and indicator feature work?

A: The device is equipped with smart tech that constantly monitors and controls the temperature in real-time. It has a built-in indicator which displays the current temperature, maintaining a steady control over the heat produced during processing.

Q3.What does auto-tuning refer to?

A: Auto-tuning refers to the ability of the device to seamlessly adapt to different conditions while maintaining optimal processing efficiency. It cuts out the need for manual adjustments thereby adding to the convenience of the user.

Q4.How does the LCD digital display enhance user experience?

A: The large LCD digital display provides a clear visualization of all the settings and functions. It’s fully microprocessor controlled and programmable, affording the user a smoother, more engaging experience.

Q5.Where and how can I purchase the Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor?

A: You can easily purchase the Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor from Robotsmarketplace1. Simply visit the website, add the item to your cart, and proceed to checkout. Before you know it, your very own ultrasonic processor will be on its journey to your laboratory.

If your question still isn’t answered, don’t worry! Get in touch with us directly, and we’d be more than happy to address any other queries, uncertainties, or downright mind-boggling conundrums you may have.


Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor Conclusion
Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor Conclusion

Having an Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor is akin to possessing a piece of the future. A tool of this magnitude isn’t just a purchase, it’s an investment into efficiency, effectiveness, and marvels yet to be discovered! So what are you waiting for? Embrace a world of superior processing capabilities and step into the future with the Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor.

This isn’t just any run-of-the-mill processor; it’s a true game-changer. The large LCD digital display provides a clear, easy-to-understand interface, while the fully microprocessor-controlled, completely programmable system makes it a trustworthy partner for all your cell disrupting, mixing, and homogenizing needs.

But, hey, don’t just take my word for it! You’ve seen the features:

  • A complete-function device with reliable ability
  • A large, clear LCD digital display
  • Fully controlled by a microprocessor and completely programmable
  • Auto-tuning for convenience of use and optimal processing efficiency
  • And the icing on the cake – a temperature indicator and controller! Who thought that high-level precision could be so accessible?

A processor like this brings the future of cell disruption and homogenization into your hands – today. Brilliant, yet user-friendly. Sophisticated, yet straightforward. Essentially, the Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor is your superhero in a lab coat!

Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor
Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor product image

Elevate your laboratory work with the Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor. Discover its incredible features and applications.

Product SKU: ULHMSP1

Product Brand: Ultrasonic Homogenizing Sonicator Processor

Product Currency: USD

Product Price: 1350

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Product In-Stock: InStock

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